Reuseabox Report January to March 2023
We’ve been tracking our achievements with Reuseabox for the period 1st January 2023 to 31st March 2023 and it makes encouraging reading.
30th May 2023
We’re beginning to see the real impact we have made environmentally through working with Reuseabox, who reuse rather than recycle our cardboard boxes and then plant trees from the profits.
In this period we have collected 3,280 boxes which is 2.81 tonnes of cardboard reused, and this has equated to 115 trees being planted, which we’re delighted about.
We’ve also saved 10 trees worth of cardboard, sequested 0.61 tonnes of carbon, saved 2.1 tonnes of carbon, saved a huge 395,685 litres of water and 13,916 Kwh of energy – wow!
Which means the following, very interesting saving equivalences …
We’re delighted with this and plan to continue building on our quarterly stats to have even more impact on the environment and to help in a small way reduce our carbon footprint.
Please read more about Reuseabox and our sustainability policy here.